
Incident response plan template

An incident response plan is a step-by-step guide that documents who will do what if a cyber security incident occurs. This document is a template you can use to create an incident response plan for your business or organisation.


Why it matters

A significant cyber attack doesn’t just damage the operations of a business, it can also affect reputation among customers and stakeholders, and it may have legal ramifications too. Everything, including how quickly you respond to the attack and how the business communicates about the incident influences its overall cost to the business.  

Responding to an incident requires a team to work together efficiently and effectively to eliminate the threat and satisfy regulatory requirements. Having a plan in place before an incident occurs will help you take control of the situation, navigate your way through and reduce the impact on your business.


This template has been made to be editable. Download the template and fill in the blanks for your organisation or business. Once you’ve done this, print off your key contact list and share the policy with any users accessing your network systems. Make sure you store it somewhere safe.