Episode 4 - Protect your website and social media

This video covers the protections you can put in place to help secure your website and protect your business - as well as your customers or clients. It also looks at how to ensure your social media has the right protections in place.

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[Audio: Real Leader] For small businesses, it's easy to fall into a bad pattern of cyber hygiene – with so much to do, it can be easy to say…

[Audio: Fake Leader] I'll get to it later!

[Audio: Real Leader] But setting them up well from the start can help you avoid scammers getting in and taking your control.

[Visual] Unmask Cyber Crime intro graphic - Episode four - Protect Your Website and Social Media

[Visual] Montage of the unmasked real leader flickering through different outfits to represent different business Industries Including, real estate, accounting, construction, retail, hospitality, floristry and farming. 

Take a florist. Their social media, their website, their apps – are great business tools. 

[Audio: Fake Leader] Your whole business might rely on them. And I rely on them being easy to get in to.

[Audio: Real Leader] But they're also a gateway to your data and customers.

[Audio: Fake Leader] When I can get into your accounts, I can convince your loyal customers that I'm you…

And get their funds coming my way instead.

Or use their details to continue my phishing campaigns.

[Audio: Real Leader] They might wait for your website domain to expire.

[Audio: Fake Leader] An easy way for me to impersonate your brand.

[Audio: Real Leader] Or create a website that looks just like yours.

[Audio: Fake Leader] Those trusting customers of yours might be too trusting.

Letting me take them for everything they have.

And letting you take the blame.

[Audio: Real Leader] But… 

[Visual] Montage of the unmasked real leader and masked fake leader flickering through different outfits to represent different business Industries Including, real estate, accounting, construction, retail, hospitality, floristry and farming. 

[Audio: Real Leader] …every business can take steps to protect their customers data.

As well as the protections you already have in place from the other modules, like back-ups, long, strong and unique passwords, and 2FA.

[Audio: Fake Leader] You didn't watch those right?

[Audio: Real Leader] There are some extra steps you can take to secure your website.

Enable HTTPS. It protects information in transit between a website and a user.

[Visual] Graphic on screen - Enable HTTPS

[Audio: Fake Leader] No, come my way.

[Audio: Real Leader] If you accept payments online, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard helps ensure any transactions are safe and secure.

[Visual] Graphic on screen - Follow PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)

[Audio: Fake Leader] Pfffft, you calling me insecure?

[Audio: Real Leader] Keep track of when your domain is going to expire, and make sure to renew before a scammer can claim it, and run scams in your business' name.

[Visual] Graphic on screen - Keep track of when your domain will expire and renew It

[Audio: Fake Leader] w-w-w-dot-not-yours-dot-com

[Audio: Real Leader] That's just your websites, but what about your social media?

[Audio: Fake Leader] So many people run most of their business on it.

And so many people are so lax about it.

[Audio: Real Leader] So, you want to have them secure from the get-go, with long strong and unique passwords, and 2FA enabled.

[Audio: Fake Leader] And you set it up with your email address...which means if I can get into that too, what else have you used your email for?

[Audio: Real Leader] How many people in your business have access to the social media platforms?

[Audio: Fake Leader] The more the merrier for me.

[Audio: Real Leader] The fewer people that have access the better, as it leaves less room for security breaches.

[Audio: Fake Leader] There might be one person who isn't quite up to scratch on security.

[Audio: Real Leader]

So… to fix that…

Create a social media policy for your workplace, to make sure everyone's following the security measures we've already gone through in prior modules. This way, if something does go wrong, everyone knows what to do.

[Visual] Graphic on screen - Create a social media policy

[Audio: Fake Leader] Who needs policies….

[Audio: Real Leader] Only give people the level of access permissions they need to do their specific jobs. If only one person is running ads through your accounts, then only one person needs to access that.

[Visual] Graphic on screen - Only give access to those who need It

[Audio: Fake Leader] Nah, spread the love!

[Audio: Real Leader] If someone is pretending to be you or your business online, visit the Get Help Now page on ownyouronline.govt.nz.

[Visual] Graphic on screen - ownyouronline.govt.nz/business/get-help-now

[Audio: Fake Leader] No no nothing suss here.

[Audio: Real Leader] Now you've got online hygiene down pat, let's move on to phishing.

[Audio: Fake Leader] Unsubscribe.

[Visual] Unmask Cyber Crime graphic leading to end screen slide with Own Your Online - Learn how to protect yourself online at ownyouronlinw.govt.nz/business. 

  • Protect your website

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    From securing data across your website to ensuring you renew your domain name, our guide takes you through what actions you need to take.

    Protect your website 

  • Set up your business social media securely

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    Making sure you have the right log in protections in place, plus limiting who has access to it helps keep your social media secure.

    Setting up your business social media securely 

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Episode 3: Learn how to help protect your online data and systems
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Episode 5: Learn how to spot phishing
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