Episode 3 - Protect your data and systems

This video covers how to keep your systems up to date to ensure there are no vulnerabilities that cyber criminals can exploit. It also explains why backing up your data is important for your business to recover from an online attack.

View transcript

[Audio: Real Leader] Cyber scammers are here, constantly targeting those who don't lock down their systems. To make the calls you should be making.

[Audio: Fake Leader] You have so much data and information that's valuable for me.

[Visual] Unmask Cyber Crime intro graphic - Episode three - Protect Your Data and Systems  

[Visual] Montage of the unmasked real leader and fake leader flickering through different outfits to represent different business Industries Including, real estate, accounting, construction, retail, hospitality, floristry and farming. 

[Audio: Real Leader] Like in a real estate firm, where the data and information you hold on behalf of your customers and clients are super sensitive – and just the kind of details cyber scammers are after.

[Audio: Fake Leader] Yep.

[Audio: Real Leader] Their names, email addresses, and personal information are great ammunition for phishing campaigns.

[Audio: Fake Leader] I can impersonate you to your friends or family - or your bank!

[Audio: Real Leader] It isn't a great look for any business if your clients or partner's personal data gets released publicly.

[Audio: Fake Leader] It's pretty embarrassing. 

[Audio: Real Leader] They could even lock you out of your systems and blackmail you, to either get the data back or to stop them from releasing it publicly.

[Audio: Fake Leader] I accept cash.

[Audio: Real Leader] But…. 

[Visual] Montage of the unmasked real leader and fake leader flickering through different outfits to represent different business Industries Including, real estate, accounting, construction, retail, hospitality, floristry and farming. 

[Audio: Real Leader]  …for any business, there are things you can do to protect the data you've been trusted with.

Take note of all the data you  capture, and review it regularly so you don't possess information you don't need. 

[Visual] Graphic on screen - Take note of all data and review It regularly 

Create a policy for how you collect, handle and store sensitive customer data. 

[Visual] Graphic on screen - Create a policy for how you collect, handle and store data 

[Audio: Real Leader] Then, assign ownership of the information to someone in your business.

[Visual] Graphic on screen - Assign ownership of the Information you hold  

[Audio: Fake Leader] No no, there's no need.

[Audio: Real Leader] You want to keep your systems secure. If your software is vulnerable, scammers have no shame in jumping in to exploit them or steal your data.

[Audio: Fake Leader] If I learn of a vulnerability in your systems, I’ll exploit it. 

[Audio: Real Leader]

It’s important to set up your software to update automatically. Developers are constantly upgrading their code, to increase your cyber security, and fix vulnerabilities. 

[Audio: Fake Leader] You don't need to be that organised.

[Audio: Real Leader] There are a range of things that need updating, including wifi routers, website platforms and anything that connects to the internet.

For anything that doesn't update automatically – like any systems, data or software – make an inventory of them and put a system in place to make sure that someone is updating all of them manually.

[Audio: Fake Leader] Nahhhh don’t worry about doing that….

[Audio: Real Leader] But, there are things you can do to help your business recover if it happens to you.

Make sure you are regularly backing up your business  data, using the 3-2-1-1 method.

[Visual] Graphic on screen 3, 2, 1, 1

[Audio: Fake Leader] You don't know what that is? Don't worry about it…

[Audio: Real Leader] Which is simply that your organisation must have 3 copies of back up data.

[Visual] Graphic on:

- 3 copies of back up data

- 2 types of storage media

- 1 copy off-site

- 1 physical back-up offline

[Audio: Fake Leader] Three?

[Audio: Real Leader] On two different types of storage media.

[Audio: Fake Leader] Hmm?

[Audio: Real Leader] With one copy off-site, for example in alternative cloud storage.

And one copy of a physical back-up kept offline such as a USB stick.

[Audio: Fake Leader] Go ahead and skip those steps.

[Audio: Real Leader] This makes sure these guys can never force you to pay to restore everything your business has worked hard for.

[Audio: Real Leader] This was quite a lot of info, so for a full run down of how to keep your data and systems secure visit www.ownyouronline.govt.nz.

[Visual] Graphic on screen ownyouronline.govt.nz

In the next video, I'll help you Unmask Cyber Crime by tidying up your website and social media hygiene.

[Visual] Unmask Cyber Crime graphic leading to end screen slide with Own Your Online - Learn how to protect yourself online at ownyouronlinw.govt.nz/business. 

Key takeaways

  • Online security policy for your business

    An online security policy should list all the things your business will do to secure the data you hold and protect your systems.

    Create an online security policy for your business 

  • Keep up to date with your updates

    Keeping the devices and software you use for your business up to date is one of the easiest and most effective ways you can protect yourself online.

    Keep up with your business updates

  • Back up your business data

    Making sure your business is prepared for an incident is important. If your business experiences a security incident, restoring your data from backups will be the best, and fastest, way to get back to business as usual.

    Having an incident response plan in place before something happens will help you navigate a stressful time. We've put together a helpful template you can fill in and put in a safe place, so you're prepared if you're affected by an incident.

    Back up your business data

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Episode 2: Learn how to help protect your online accounts
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Episode 4: Learn how to help secure your website and social media
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Online security posters for your business

We've created a selection of posters for you to use within your business to help build staff awareness about online security.

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